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Load local and remote MCAP files containing ROS 2 data, or connect directly to a live ROS 2 stack.

Live data

Install ROS 2, and make sure you are on the same network as the robot.

In Foxglove, select "Open connection" in the "Open data source" dialog.

Foxglove WebSocket

We recommend Foxglove WebSocket as the easiest way to get connected – especially if you have a network firewall between ROS and Foxglove, as it requires your ROS host to have only one port open.

This option requires running an extra ROS node (foxglove_bridge) – follow the installation directions here.


Set up the Foxglove bridge.

Select "Foxglove WebSocket" in the "Open data source" dialog, then enter the URL to your Foxglove bridge server:

Foxglove WebSocket dialog


Foxglove WebSocket connections support publishing back to your ROS stack, as well as reading and setting ROS parameters.


NOTE: For performance reasons, we recommend using the Foxglove WebSocket connection instead.


Rosbridge connections support publishing back to your ROS stack, but not reading or setting ROS parameters.

Remote file

Remote ROS 2 .db3 files are not supported, but you can convert them into MCAP files for remote file support.

Select "Remote file" in the "Open data source" dialog, and enter the URL to your remote .mcap file.

Remote file dialog

Local data

You must first convert ROS 2 (.db3) files into the supported MCAP file format before loading in Foxglove.

Use the mcap CLI tool to help with this conversion:

$ mcap convert ros2_input.db3 ros2_output.mcap

mcap will search the path stored in your $AMENT_PREFIX_PATH environment variable to locate the ROS message definitions on your hard drive. You can also specify a colon-separated list of directories for the CLI tool to search using the ament-prefix-path flag:

$ mcap convert ros2_input.db3 ros2_output.mcap --ament-prefix-path=/your/first/directory;/your/second/directory

Once you have your MCAP (.mcap) file, you're ready to load it for visualization.

Imported data

First convert your ROS 2 files to MCAP.

Flora is developed on the source code of Foxglove and Lichtblick, adhering to the MPL 2.0 license.