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A primitive representing a cylinder, elliptic cylinder, or truncated cone

Parent schema

CylinderPrimitive appears in the SceneEntity message schema.


posePosePosition of the center of the cylinder and orientation of the cylinder. The flat face(s) are perpendicular to the z-axis.
sizeVector3Size of the cylinder's bounding box
bottom_scalefloat640-1, ratio of the diameter of the cylinder's bottom face (min z) to the bottom of the bounding box
top_scalefloat640-1, ratio of the diameter of the cylinder's top face (max z) to the top of the bounding box
colorColorColor of the cylinder

Reference implementations

Foxglove schemas are framework-agnostic, and can be implemented using any supported message encoding:

ROS 1foxglove_msgs/CylinderPrimitive
ROS 2foxglove_msgs/msg/CylinderPrimitive
OMG IDLfoxglove::CylinderPrimitive

You must use the schema names specified above for Foxglove to recognize the schema.

Flora is developed on the source code of Foxglove and Lichtblick, adhering to the MPL 2.0 license.