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A collection of N-dimensional points, which may contain additional fields with information like normals, intensity, etc.

Panel support

PointCloud is used in the 3DImage panels.


timestamptimeTimestamp of point cloud
frame_idstringFrame of reference
posePoseThe origin of the point cloud relative to the frame of reference
point_strideuint32Number of bytes between points in the data
fieldsPackedElementField[]Fields in data. At least 2 coordinate fields from x, y, and z are required for each point's position; red, green, blue, and alpha are optional for customizing each point's color.
databytesPoint data, interpreted using fields

Reference implementations

Foxglove schemas are framework-agnostic, and can be implemented using any supported message encoding:

ROS 1foxglove_msgs/PointCloud
ROS 2foxglove_msgs/msg/PointCloud
OMG IDLfoxglove::PointCloud

You must use the schema names specified above for Foxglove to recognize the schema.

Flora is developed on the source code of Foxglove and Lichtblick, adhering to the MPL 2.0 license.